What is Metamask and why do I need it to access your exchange?
MetaMask is a browser plugin that allows users to make Ethereum transactions through regular websites. Metamask is essentially the bridge between websites/apps and the Ethereum blockchain.
To access our website you will need to install the Metamask plugin and here are the easy steps to do so:
Step 1: If you do not have the Metamask Google Chrome plugin, please visit https://metamask.io/ , click on Download now, then click on Install Metamask for Chrome, then Add to Chrome and Add extension.
Step 2: At this point you should see the Get Stared button. Click on it.
You will now be prompted to Create Password. You should create a memorable password and write it down on paper. You will need this same paper in the next step for your seed phrase.
Step 3: Generating Seed Phrase and Verifying It
When you click on create in the prior step, you will be brought to the seed phrase page.
You have two choices here: 1) you can click on the Reveal Seed box on the left above and write down the seed on the same paper where you wrote password or, 2) click on the blue writing Download this Secret Backup Phrase which will create a .txt file which you can save to a USB drive.
If using Metamask on the Ethereum Mainnet you would not want to let anyone know what your password or seed phrase is. I would not store it on your Desktop or in My Documents either. This would allow someone to steal the tokens in your Metamask wallet. For our demo here, we are using Kovan testnet Ethereum, so I'm not as concerned about someone stealing my tokens.
Verify Seed Pharse
To complete verification, you need to click on the seed phrase boxes in white at the top of the page in the precise order of the seed phrase that you wrote down or got in the .txt file. once this is done, click Confirm.
Setup is pretty much done. The wallet should look like the page below:
Step 4: Funding Your Wallet with Kovan Test ETH
In a new browser window, navigate to https://faucet.kovan.network/ if you have a Github account. If you do not have a Github account, email me at [email protected] and we can send you some Kovan testnet ETH to get you started.
Copy your Kovan address such as in the diagram below:
Then paste it into the box such as the following diagram:
Click on the Metamask icon in the Chrome toolbar on the top right to see your new balance:
Last step: In a new browser window, navigate to https://www.mckurz-dex.com/.
This will fail since the connection must be permitted by Metamask, so open Metamask by clicking on the fox icon on Chrome toolbar, then click on the funny-colored "hamburger" and click on Settings at the bottom of the menu:
Click on Connections:
The field in connects should populate www.mckurz-dex.com, the click Connect.
We are done yeah!!! Sorry for so many steps. Let's make a trade!
Making a Trade
Congratulations on setting up your Ethereum Metamask crypto wallet and funding it with test tokens. Now its time for some action! Go back to https://www.mckurz-dex.com/
Transfer KETH from your Metamask wallet by using the deposit function on the exchange such as below:
Wait one minute, then refresh page.
Make your trade
Click on an order in the Order Book. For this example I will click on 1 0.213 0213 where tokens are for sale and Metamask will pop up to confirm the trade.
Click Confirm and wait a minute for the trade to confirm on the blockchain.
Your trade now shows up as a completed transaction and your wallet is updated.
Step 1: Setup up your Metamask Ethereum wallet

Go to https://metamask.io , click on GET CHROME EXTENSION
, then Get Started
. Click on Import wallet
, then I agree
. We're almost there!
Copy and paste the Mnemonic
seed that you have from Ganache in Step 1 into the Wallet seed
section, then click Import
Set your "Network" to Kovan Test Network at the top of the Metamask app page using the drop down menu. It is important to note that since we are using a test network that it is not critical to keep your Mnemonic seed phrase private, but when using the Main Ethereum Network, YOUR TOKENS WILL BE STOLEN IF YOU REVEAL YOUR MNEMONIC SEED PHRASE. Keep them safe, secret and stored where they cannot be compromised when operating in the wild!
VERY IMPORTANT! You must change your Metamask Privacy Mode to Off. This is done by clicking on the icon for your account in the upper right-hand corner of the Metamask app, then Settings, Security & Privacy, then set the Privacy Mode button to the left.
Step 2: Interacting with the Exchange and Seeding Your Account with Kovan Ethereum

You made it through the setup. Congrats! Now the fun begins to try out the exchange!
Got to https://blockchainapp2.herokuapp.com/
You will see your Balance, placing an order in New Order, the Order Book, My Transactions, your Trades and a Price Chart of the asset's price fluctuations.
A zero balance is no fun. Go to https://gitter.im/kovan-testnet/faucet and paste in your Ethereum address under the account name on Metamask. That's it!
Contact Us
Have fun and please contact us at [email protected] with any questions, if you get stuck with these steps or with feedback on the exchange itself.