Step 1: Download and Install Ganache

Navigate to

and download the Ganache version for your OS.  Click on Quickstart and it will create a local blockchain instance with 10 Ethereum adresses. It should look like the instance pictured. Something to keep in mind for step 2 is the Mnemonic.  We will need that to create an Ethereum address in Metamask.

Set 2: Setup up your Metamask Ethereum wallet

Go to , click on GET CHROME EXTENSION , then Get Started .  Click on Import wallet , then I agree .  We're almost there!

Copy and paste the Mnemonic seed that you have from Ganache in Step 1 into the Wallet seed section, then click Import.

Set your "Network" to Kovan Test Network at the top of the Metamask app page using the drop down menu. It is important to note that since we are using a test network that it is not critical to keep your Mnemonic seed phrase private, but when using the Main Ethereum Network, YOUR TOKENS WILL BE STOLEN IF YOU REVEAL YOUR MNEMONIC SEED PHRASE.  Keep them safe, secret and stored where they cannot be compromised when operating in the wild!

VERY IMPORTANT! You must change your Metamask Privacy Mode to Off. This is done by clicking on the icon for your account in the upper right-hand corner of the Metamask app, then Settings, Security & Privacy, then set the Privacy Mode button to the left.


Step 3: Interacting with the Marketplace and Seeding Your Account with Kovan Ethereum

You made it through the setup. Nice job!  Now the fun begins to try out the marketplace!

Got to

You will see Add Product where you can add a product to sell, Buy Product where you will see Buy buttons to the right for products that are for sale and information regarding each item such as the Name of the product, the Price for it and the Owner's Ethereum account number.

A zero balance is no fun. Go to and paste in your Ethereum address under the account name on Metamask or go to if you have a Github account that will send you 1 Kovan Erthereum every 24 hours if requested.

Happy shopping!